The Fish Boat Class had a Great time Racing this Weekend at the GYA Opening Regatta Hosted by Mobile Yacht Club. For those of you may not know the Opening regatta is held at the Home Yacht Club of the Current Gulf Yachting Association (GYA) Commodore. Chris Luppins from MYC is This Year’s GYA Commodore. Commodore Luppins has been in the GYA for many years and also is Senior Race Administrative Racing Judge for the GYA and also a US Sailing GYA National Judge. The Fish Class would like to give a hearty thanks and congratulations to Commodore Luppins for all his efforts to make the GYA one of the strongest sailing organizations in the Nation.
The Weather and Racing were superb as the Fish made their racing debut for the 2018 season. Denny Blume from Point Y.C. with Louise Douglas and Jimmy Murray sailed the 27 boat. Donnie and Sally Brennan Sailed the 5 Boat. Bill, Jackie and Olivia Culberson sailed their 34 Boat. Mark Caraher and Newcomer Ched Holder sailed the 7 Boat. It was great to see Louise out racing. An incredible lady who we all love and admire for her Tenacity Sportsmanship and overall awesomeness. Also Bill Culberson did the quick change act by Doing a Fly By in His MIG Jet at the MYC Flag ceremony then magically appearing back at the club in time to go sailing.
As usual Tight Racing was the order of the weekend and came down to the last race to decide the winner. Two races were sailed Saturday and One Sunday. When the Dust Settled here’s the Overall Finish Order.
- 1st Place Mark Caraher and Ched Holder (the rookie)
- 2nd Place Donnie and Sally Brennan
- 3rd Place Denny Blume, Louise Douglas and Jimmy Murray
- 4th Place Bill, Jackie & Olivia Culberson
A special thanks to Julian Bingham for running an outstanding Race course and other Congratulations to Commodore Josh Murray of Mobile Yacht Club for putting on a Suburb Regatta.
Next Up for the Fish will Be Spring Regatta May 19th and 20th. Hope to see all of you there.